Celebrate with us!
10 Years Coworking Switzerland
This year's Annual Meetup will be very special:
it's our 10th anniversary – time for a cake!
Following the survey done by our intern Clea last year, we have decided to change the GA format for this year, so that it would be more flexible to attend for most of you (or at least we hope). Here is what we propose you for Thursday MARCH 13.
Please note that you can join for two parts or for the whole time we will be spending together (and remember: more time, more occasions for networking).
We have put together a super exciting program for you:
- 12.30 – 14.00: networking lunch (optional)
- 13.30 - 14.00: welcome & networking (if you missed the lunch)
- 14.15 - 14.45: welcome note and partner presentation
- 14.45 - 16.00: “Music makes your brand go WOW” with Philipp Schweidler von TONIQ.ch
- 16.00 - 16.30: Coffee break & B’day Cake
- 16.30 - 17.30: General Assembly
- 17.30 onwards: drinks @ L‘ovestino
DATE: March 13, 2025
LOCATION: zentroom Bern (inside the railway station)
We hope to see many of you during this day in Bern to celebrate coworking !